TensorFlow通过Python接口训练好模型,然后使用C++ API加载.pb模型文件,再对图片进行预测判断,这需要解决几个问题:
- 如何将训练好的模型保存为.pb格式文件?
- 如何在C++ API中加载训练好的模型文件?
- 如何在C++ API中读取图片并变成需要的格式?
- 如果在C++ API中根据模型对图片进行预测判断?
以上几个问题通过这个链接基本找到了答案: https://www.cnblogs.com/buyizhiyou/p/10412967.html
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess:
a=tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=None, name='a')
b=tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=None, name='b')
c = tf.multiply(a, b, name='c')
tf.compat.v1.train.write_graph(sess.graph_def, 'models/', 'train.pb', as_text=False)
res = sess.run(c, feed_dict={'a:0': 2.0, 'b:0': 3.0})
print("res = ", res)
C++ API读取.pb格式graph¶
#include <tensorflow/core/public/session.h>
#include <tensorflow/core/platform/env.h>
using namespace tensorflow;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Initialize a tensorflow session
Session* session;
Status status = NewSession(SessionOptions(), &session);
if (!status.ok()) {
std::cout << status.ToString() << "\n";
return 1;
// Read in the protobuf graph we exported
// (The path seems to be relative to the cwd. Keep this in mind
// when using `bazel run` since the cwd isn't where you call
// `bazel run` but from inside a temp folder.)
GraphDef graph_def;
status = ReadBinaryProto(Env::Default(), "./models/train.pb", &graph_def);
if (!status.ok()) {
std::cout << status.ToString() << "\n";
return 1;
// Add the graph to the session
status = session->Create(graph_def);
if (!status.ok()) {
std::cout << status.ToString() << "\n";
return 1;
// Setup inputs and outputs:
// Our graph doesn't require any inputs, since it specifies default values,
// but we'll change an input to demonstrate.
Tensor a(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape());
a.scalar<float>()() = 3.0;
Tensor b(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape());
b.scalar<float>()() = 2.0;
std::vector<std::pair<string, tensorflow::Tensor>> inputs = {
{ "a", a },
{ "b", b },
// The session will initialize the outputs
std::vector<tensorflow::Tensor> outputs;
// Run the session, evaluating our "c" operation from the graph
status = session->Run(inputs, {"c"}, {}, &outputs);
if (!status.ok()) {
std::cout << status.ToString() << "\n";
return 1;
// Grab the first output (we only evaluated one graph node: "c")
// and convert the node to a scalar representation.
auto output_c = outputs[0].scalar<float>();
// (There are similar methods for vectors and matrices here:
// https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/core/public/tensor.h)
// Print the results
std::cout << outputs[0].DebugString() << "\n"; // Tensor<type: float shape: [] values: 30>
std::cout << output_c() << "\n"; // 30
// Free any resources used by the session
return 0;
- 使用OpenCV库:
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
// V1
tensorflow::Tensor readTensor(string filename){
Mat src = imread(filename,0);
Mat dst;
Mat dst_transpose=dst.t();//transpose
tensorflow::Tensor input_tensor(DT_FLOAT,TensorShape({1,240,40,1}));
auto tmap = input_tensor.tensor<float,4>();
for(int i=0;i<240;i++){//Mat复制到Tensor
for(int j=0;j<40;j++){
return input_tensor;
// V2
tensorflow::Tensor readTensor(string filename){
tensorflow::Tensor input_tensor(DT_FLOAT,TensorShape({1,240,40,1}));
float *tensor_data_ptr = input_tensor.flat<float>().data();
Mat src = imread(filename,0);
Mat dst;
cv::Mat fake_mat(dst.rows, dst.cols, CV_32FC(src.channels()), tensor_data_ptr);
dst.convertTo(fake_mat, CV_32FC3);
return input_tensor;
- 使用TensorFlow API:
Status ReadTensorFromImageFile(string file_name, const int input_height,
const int input_width,
vector<Tensor>* out_tensors) {
auto root = Scope::NewRootScope();
using namespace ops;
auto file_reader = ops::ReadFile(root.WithOpName("file_reader"),file_name);
const int wanted_channels = 1;
Output image_reader;
std::size_t found = file_name.find(".png");
if (found!=std::string::npos) {
image_reader = DecodePng(root.WithOpName("png_reader"), file_reader,DecodePng::Channels(wanted_channels));
else {
image_reader = DecodeJpeg(root.WithOpName("jpeg_reader"), file_reader,DecodeJpeg::Channels(wanted_channels));
// 下面几步是读取图片并处理
auto float_caster =Cast(root.WithOpName("float_caster"), image_reader, DT_FLOAT);
auto dims_expander = ExpandDims(root, float_caster, 0);
auto resized = ResizeBilinear(root, dims_expander,Const(root.WithOpName("resize"), {input_height, input_width}));
// Div(root.WithOpName(output_name), Sub(root, resized, {input_mean}),{input_std});
GraphDef graph;
unique_ptr<Session> session(NewSession(SessionOptions()));
session->Run({}, {"transpose"}, {}, out_tensors);//Run,获取图片数据保存到Tensor中
return Status::OK();
int input_height = 40;
int input_width = 240;
vector<Tensor> inputs;
string image_path("test.jpg");
if (!ReadTensorFromImageFile(image_path, input_height, input_width,&inputs).ok()) {
cout<<"Read image file failed"<<endl;
return -1;
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/image_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/standard_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/default_device.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_def_builder.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/public/session.h"
using namespace std ;
using namespace tensorflow;
using tensorflow::Tensor;
using tensorflow::Status;
using tensorflow::string;
using tensorflow::int32;
Status ReadTensorFromImageFile(string file_name, const int input_height,
const int input_width,
vector<Tensor>* out_tensors) {
auto root = Scope::NewRootScope();
using namespace ops;
auto file_reader = ops::ReadFile(root.WithOpName("file_reader"),file_name);
const int wanted_channels = 1;
Output image_reader;
std::size_t found = file_name.find(".png");
if (found!=std::string::npos) {
image_reader = DecodePng(root.WithOpName("png_reader"), file_reader,DecodePng::Channels(wanted_channels));
else {
image_reader = DecodeJpeg(root.WithOpName("jpeg_reader"), file_reader,DecodeJpeg::Channels(wanted_channels));
// 下面几步是读取图片并处理
auto float_caster =Cast(root.WithOpName("float_caster"), image_reader, DT_FLOAT);
auto dims_expander = ExpandDims(root, float_caster, 0);
auto resized = ResizeBilinear(root, dims_expander,Const(root.WithOpName("resize"), {input_height, input_width}));
// Div(root.WithOpName(output_name), Sub(root, resized, {input_mean}),{input_std});
GraphDef graph;
unique_ptr<Session> session(NewSession(SessionOptions()));
session->Run({}, {"transpose"}, {}, out_tensors);//Run,获取图片数据保存到Tensor中
return Status::OK();
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
string graph_path = "aov_crnn.pb";
GraphDef graph_def;
if (!ReadBinaryProto(Env::Default(), graph_path, &graph_def).ok()) {
cout << "Read model .pb failed"<<endl;
return -1;
unique_ptr<Session> session;
SessionOptions sess_opt;
if (!session->Create(graph_def).ok()) {
cout<<"Create graph failed"<<endl;
return -1;
int input_height = 40;
int input_width = 240;
vector<Tensor> inputs;
// string image_path(argv[1]);
string image_path("test.jpg");
if (!ReadTensorFromImageFile(image_path, input_height, input_width,&inputs).ok()) {
cout<<"Read image file failed"<<endl;
return -1;
vector<Tensor> outputs;
string input = "inputs_sq";
string output = "results_sq";//graph中的输入节点和输出节点,需要预先知道
Status status = session->Run({img},{output}, {}, &outputs);//Run,得到运行结果,存到outputs中
if (!status.ok()) {
cout<<"Running model failed"<<endl;
return -1;
Tensor t = outputs[0];
auto tmap = t.tensor<int64, 2>();
int output_dim = t.shape().dim_size(1);
return 0;
- THE MNIST DATABASE: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/
- LodePNG:
- https://lodev.org/lodepng/
- https://github.com/lvandeve/lodepng
- https://developers.google.cn/protocol-buffers/docs/cpptutorial#parsing-and-serialization
- https://discuss.tensorflow.org/t/load-and-save-model-weights-tf2-c-api/9244/3
- https://tebesu.github.io/posts/Training-a-TensorFlow-graph-in-C++-API
- http://liuxiao.org/category/deeplearning/tensorflow/
- tensorflow c++ API加载.pb模型文件并预测图片: https://www.cnblogs.com/buyizhiyou/p/10412967.html
- 使用TensorFlow C++ API构建线上预测服务 - 篇3: https://mathmach.com/832a0a1e/
- 微信搜索: 「 MinYiLife 」, 关注公众号!
- 本文链接: https://www.lesliezhu.com/blog/2023/02/03/tensorflow_2/
- 版权声明: 原创文章,如需转载请注明文章作者和出处。谢谢!